Port au Prince

Port au Prince
"He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure." Psalm 40:2

Friday, July 19, 2013

Crow it like a Rooster

Every morning around 4 AM , even before the sun is up, we have here on our property at the mission---two roosters. One stays on one side of the house (it seems) and one struts around the other side.  Around four AM, one will start their "Cock-a doodle-doing"...and then....the other rooster will answer back with even a  louder "cock a doodle doo." This goes back and forth for about an hour  or so. They only stop when the sun is blAZING  in the sky.  During the course of the day, they sometimes even let out a          screeching "cock a doodle" for no apparent reason at all.

I was thinking this morning that their "LOUD JOYFUL" proclamations of joy, should be exactly what we each do every morning when we wake up--we should wake up not singing "cock a doodle do"  but something along the lines of Psalm 100:
                     "Shout for joy to the LORD all the earth!
                      Worship the LORD with gladness!!!
                      Come !  before Him with joyful  singing...(cock a doodling)
                      Acknowledge thay the LORD  is GOD!
                      He made us, and we are His......HIS!!!!!
                     Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
                     Come into His courtrooms with praise
                          Give THANKS to Him and PRAISE Him!
                  for the LORD is good,
                      His love is eternal
                His faithfulness lasts  forever.

Let us awaken each morning, praising God like the roosters.    Let us break out in song at random times of the day.                                  Judy Mattson


  1. Hi Love,
    Reading these post during the week has left me a bit speechless as I witness God's wonderful love that is reflected in the team's work in Haiti,
    He truly is an amazing God and how wonderfully he has brought your team together for this important work.

    Thank you for the beautiful witness as we catch a glimpse into your experiences.

    Thank you for offering what you have to people less fortunate

    Thank you for witnessing God's love to us all

    Last night in Thursday night Outreach at Park Street Church we discussed how God invites us to come to Him in confidence (Heb 4). Your prayerful preparation for this trip and the trip itself represent His words in action!

    Missing you but grateful for your love,

  2. This {is} the day {which} the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
