Today we said good-bye to the children after playing with them all day every day this week. We have drawn pictures together, played hundreds of games of tic tac toe, sung many songs together, we have had tickle time with them and just sat and held them and through all of this we have formed real relationships. We know their personalities, which games are their favorites, who is best friends with who, and who likes to be held all the time ( a cute little guy names Davidson) So when we said good-bye we weren't saying good-bye to "Haitian orphans" we were saying good-bye to Marie Delcey, Davidson, Kervens, Sarali, Noel,Michael, Emanuel, Manuella... the list goes on and on. These are real people to us who we care about. I left today thinking "who is going to hold Davidson all day tomorrow, and the next day and the day after that. who is going to play dots with Marie Delcey?" The house Moms love the children and care for them, but with 30 children to care for, they can't hold the little ones all day long and they don't have time to play games one on one with the children. This is where our faith comes in. God has asked us to be here and to be His hands for these children and now we are asking God to love them and care for them when we return to our lives in Boston. We are leaving them in His care with a heart full of their smiles and laughter.
Thanks for being there to love on those kids!!