Port au Prince

Port au Prince
"He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure." Psalm 40:2

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Midweek Check In - we are getting tired!

Hi everyone,

So sorry for not writing yesterday - we have spotty internet access.  Anyway, we are alive and well.

Yesterday, we had another successful VBS lesson at the King's Garden.  There are almost 40 children altogether ranging in age from 4-18.  Yesterday's theme was LOVE.  In the afternoon, all of the children had an annual check up with the medical team.

Here's a picture of some children acting out one way to show love - the idea they came up with was if someone is fighting over the same toy, to share and be kind, which was so insightful and relevant for them.

And some more pictures from yesterday…

kids drawing what love means to them
some of them who borrowed my phone and taught themselves how to take selfies!

more selfies

Today, we went to another clinic to the northeast of Port-au-Prince.  Despite being delayed for 2 hours in the morning due to a flat tire, we stayed in good spirits and the doctors, nurses and translators were able to see about 65 patients.  Meanwhile, I and some of the other non-medical team had a great (if a bit sweaty) time getting to know some of the children in the area - playing games, drawing, and sharing smiles.  

We had an uneventful trip home and even had time to go out to dinner tonight! Dr. Morquette took us to a nice restaurant with some jazz music.  It was fun to see so many different parts of Haiti today.

And now, since I am almost falling asleep and everyone else is already sleeping, it is time to say goodnight.  Please pray for the kids at King's Garden to enjoy and learn at our last VBS day tomorrow (theme: God Loves YOU).

- Jenn

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