Port au Prince

Port au Prince
"He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure." Psalm 40:2

Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Colors of Haiti

Boujour everyone. We had another blessed day which started with a luscious breakfast including an amalgame of juicy and colorful tropical fruits graciouly prepared by the cordon bleu Evelyn and master chef Dr. Morquette, then we headed off to KaliKo beach. We were delighted to have Dr. Morquette and Dr. Junie join us as they led the way. Our journey to the beach was full of panoramic views, the ocean to our left with diverse shades of blue and hue of green and mountains to our right with green flora, fruits trees...and specially the beautiful people of Haiti going about their daily lives. This one on a motorcycle, that one on a mule, smiling merchants by the road side showing off their colorful harvest... The very efficient monsieur Belaizaire with many hats was also a tour guide as we drove pass the memorial to the victims of the hurricane, the historic town of L' Arcahaie (birthplace of the flag of Haiti) and much more. The beauty of Haiti and its people warm our hearts. We arrived at the beach, got settled and most of us went swimming in the warm water (yes the ocean in Haiti is warm at all time, even in "Winter"). It was also a time of celebration: It was our superhero leader Mark's birthday, Xiaoman's very first time getting in the water... we shared laughters, testimonies… After a week on the field, this day was also a time for rest and quiet reflection. Habakkuk 2:20 "The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him"

          Ode pour Haiti
Que tu es belle Haiti!
Haiti, en toi je vois le mirroir de l'humanité
Continue de marcher unis
Bon courage
Que la grace de Dieu t'accompagne
Marches unis 
Bon courage
Tu n'es point seul
Du nord au sud
De l'est a l'ouest
Dieu t'a cree merveilleuse
Nous t'aimons tres fort
Que tu es belle Haiti!

Birthplace of the Hatian flag

Bananas in transport

Welcome to Kaliko

Swim time!

Beautiful horizon


Historic sugar cane boiling bowl

Chika-Chika Boom Boom up in the coconut tree!

Simply beautiful!

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